

To allow large poultry farming operations to take charge of their health management, pharmaceutical companies cannot simply supply them with effective pharmaceutical and biological products.

The process of vaccination requires a holistic approach from the most advanced science, with the creation and use of vaccines, epidemiology, immunology, public health approaches to the practical implementation in the field, with customised and convenient vaccination, monitoring programs, vaccination equipment, staff training and services.

Our commitment to invest for poultry production led us to making available an extensive range of solutions available for the prevention of major diseases such as Newcastle disease, Gumboro disease, infectious bronchitis, avian influenza, coccidiosis, laryngotracheitis and others.

Vectormune® ND,  Transmune® , Cevac IBird® ,  Vectormune® FP-LT,  Novamune, C.H.I.C.K. Program®, Dovac®, Egginject® are our main brands marking the innovation on both the field of biotechnology and on the services, equipment and support to ensure you get the full value from your investment in poultry health.

After having developed innovative, new-generation vaccines as listed above, we soon realized that we needed to go even further in order to meet our customers’ needs: by optimizing their administration conditions.

This is what led our teams to focus on hatchery vaccination and drove them to develop complete vaccination solutions, including equipment and service programs.


First vaccination service at hatchery Quality Recognized by an auditing third- party company > C.H.I.C.K. Program® - Quality Recognized by Bureau Veritas Group. A full set of vaccination equipment developed and produced in 2 dedicated campuses such as: Egginject® in ovo system engineered by Ecat-iD campus and Dovac®, Desvac In-line Duo Spray & Gel and many more by Desvac campus.

20 years of investment in innovation in vaccines for hatchery administration made Ceva the world leader in hatchery vaccines, vaccination services and equipment.


From one country to another, product lines are adapted to local demand and regulatory requirements. For further information, please take a look at the Ceva Santé Animale site for your country. Warning: the information provided on the products depends on national registrations. Access to technical information is restricted to authorised persons.

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